In all shapes and sizes

I'm in a good place right now.
This is not to say that I don't suffer bouts of vulnerabilities, feelings of inadequacies /not fitting in, and overall general confusion about life and what I'm doing!! -- the good part now is that I know how to handle it more.
Life doesn't get easier I've finally worked out...but each day, each month, each year I'm accepting myself more and realising 'I am OK'.
My mistakes are what they are, for me to bear and to move on from, but they also shape who I am today.
I wouldn't want to change that.
I've allowed a new love to enter into my life. I was somewhat reluctant, cautious and careful at first, but now after 5 months of having this marvellous being in my life, I feel blessed ready and relaxed. Whatever lies ahead (who knows!), bring it on, because I don't want to miss it for the world!!
Loving someone slowly and gradually is a brand new experience for me. I've relentlessly dived in, falling head over heels in love (thinking is there any other way??) and after 3 weeks almost ready to sign my heart away...
This time is completely different. Truly. The love is growing and growing each week and at times amazes me, surprises me. WOW, this friend, best friend who I am with, whom I"m growing to love amazes me with his honestly, his rawness, his affection, his words, his trust, his playfulness, sharing his stories, and mostly his boundless patience.
I feel I'm learning sooo much from this love, this experience, the journey -- about life, myself and importantly about love. It truly feels like a new experience for me.
Thank goodness for all my mistakes.
Guten Nacht. xo
This is a true piece of declaration of love! I loked it.
I agree with you that love is what makes you "ok", calm, and "protected".
Love makes people more confident and happy to live.
I understand you because O also have a BIG love in my life! It takes time to fully understand it and to "sense" what love really means.
I do hope that what I feel now will never disappear!
Great to see you so happy Leiflet :D
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