Monday, December 18, 2006

In pursuit of ....

I read an interesting article by Deepak Chopra recently highlighting the many faces of happiness. I think this is a topic which resonates close to many of us at various times in our life, if not fairly frequently. How often I hear someone ask me, 'are you happy?'. Gosh what a loaded question... difficult to answer truthfully.

As the end of the year nears, I'm trying to think of anything at all which I felt has aided in my peace, my contentment, my smiles and my joy this year. Lets reflect for a moment....

Deepak mentions happiness is not something which is caused by an external influence, such as seeking happiness through secondary means as - a nice car, a relationship, a bigger house, better job etc... he challenges this notion by ascertaining that these external forces never truly create joy, but joy is the cause and happiness is the effect (these external forces can be taken from us at any given time... then we are left with nothing..???)

We must be happy for no particular reason... and that is pure happiness... an inner consciousness.
Happiness is fleeting... here are a few of my moments of joy and thus happiness for 2007...

1. IL Divo Concert - yes the music and voices continue to inspire me and fill me with hope when I'm feeling reflectiv. Hope.

2. The moments after exercising - I'm on a high and feel so so happy within myself. Contentment.

3. Being alone - I realise when I hang out with myself that I can (and do) make myself happy. Heading to see a film alone, or taking a nice walk or simply lying in bed reflecting. Inner reflections.

4. Helping - the feelings of helping my clients/friends/family with anything, aids in my overall sense of achievement that perhaps I make some kind of difference, no matter how small to someone's life on this planet. A purpose.

5. Friends - I find them so inspiring and uplifting. After chatting with my close girlfriends (mainly) I feel alive and energetic. They fill me with such hope and a stronger sense of myself. Understanding.

6. Relationship - entering into a new relationship this year fills me with a sense of stripping back the layers and revealing myself on a deeper level to someone special - frightening and joyous together. Love.
Possibly most of my happy moments are caused by external means... if these are in fact windows into happiness. I'm certainly not an enlightened being just yet.....

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Great Divide

Admittedly last Friday night I started to feel the 'xmas spirit' as my flatmate, Neds, and I put up our xmas tree. What fun and of course the inner child was somewhat released momentarily...

I remember those cool feelings of extreme excitement build as the day loomed closer... I remember organising carols with my parents and grandmother... writing out the lyrics to the songs on paper 3 times (for each adult) and tying the 'program' together with coloured wool. I would ring my bell to signal the start of the xmas eve carols and then proceed to play the piano while the 3 obliging adults sang along...

xmas' were always fairly quiet... but I didn't mind that and I still don't.

The day after my emotion-filled-tree-hugging episode I ventured to the local shopping mall to begin the task of buying stuff. I call it 'stuff' because that's what I refer to 'things' in life which take up more space and give me excitement generally for the period of carrying the bag/s around the shopping centre and then back to the car. Once it's home...I realise that I have to now care for this 'stuff' and find a new home for it. More and more stuff we accumulate in life.....

I tend not to do this anymore... unless absolutely necessary. What xmas is about is giving to others... buying stuff that hopefully chosen other's will enjoy and cherish for a few moments, perhaps longer...

However this particular day, as do most days of shopping...saddens me. Xmas, malls, money... all reiterate and highlight the great divide in our society. There was a man standing outside the mall, looking like he needed a good meal and shower busking all morning ...whilst young families, teenagers and the like, clip-clopped around in their Jimmy Choo sandals, wafting of Armani, sipping soy decaf's...

The scene again and again takes my breath away in life... highlighting the great social & economic divide of our world..... Ok perhaps not so extreme here in comparison to the other parts of the world suffering far far greater than not being able to purchase the latest Gucci handbag... but one man busking for a meal and there I am feeling really inadequate in wanting to spend money on more stuff.

This xmas my ... well, I shall call them my extended family... have decided that we won't give presents to each other but donate to a charity of choice. I'm struggling in making a decision. I would like to give to many and also give my time as I have done in the past. I much prefer the 'doing' than simply handing over money.

This time of year does make me grateful for all that I have in life... I have such abundance of everything, more stuff than I could ever need or use... I'm so so lucky.