Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby days...

Each day is largely different but so similiar with a baby. The routines are set - sleep, eat, play, nappies.... and are like clockwork, but each day has it's own new set of challenges and adventures.

I often find myself wondering how on earth I'm going to fill in the day to keep it fun and varied for Sebastien (and for myself!), and somehow I pull it off every day...and I'm amazed how being so silly really makes baby laugh..... it's hilarious!!

Grey, rainy, 0 to 2 degree temp days aren't that pleasant right now... walking outside is frigid and not that appealing or pleasant, but having a large home is a blessing and I'm lucky.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let's get physical...

Go the leg-warmers darling one!!

Rantings or ravings?

Ok if I have a little whinge?

Certain adjustments are necessary whilst making 'France' your home. Beautiful country, mostly nice people (yes, I must admit* I haven't as yet met the quintessential snotty nose French person as yet), great food....but EVERYTHING takes SO SO SOOOOOO long to get done! My goodness......general queues in shopping centres make the longest Xmas lines in Sydney look tiny and think 'what was I ever complaining about'...and just the basic administration of France is painstakingly unbearably long, long, loooooong.... even if you DO speak the language!

I thought motherhood was testing my patience and I've discovered that I'm a pretty dam relaxed and patient person, but many times during the day here I have to take a deep, DEEP breath in and exhale loong and slowly to avoid myself from yelling, screaming or wanting to shout out, "Hurry the **** up!".

Ok..no more whinging. Other than that, France is great!