Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The uninspiring French....

Not sure if its ME or just circumstance.... but since living in France now for past 21 months, I've hardly had any desire or motivation to write. Usually I'm an avid writer, but here I'm totally uninspired........


Ok, I guess throw in the complexities of living abroad with a new baby is partly to blame, but apart from that it's a damn shame this beautiful country of France is largely tarnished by ...well ....... the French!!

If ever you come away from a cafe or shop feeling like you were the client or made to feel special - well then go and buy yourself a lottery ticket -- as this is a rare!! For me I"m often met with a stone gaze, never a smile and often not even made eye contact with!!! It's all rather preposterous....

Then on the other hand you have the half/half french - one partner anglais, one french or from another country and these people are amazingly open and welcoming. Often not as narrow (obviously living abroad means they are open to the rest of the world, other cultures, new languages and understand that France isn't the Super Nation) and are happy to befriend you into their circle.

I've decided to not let the uninspiring French deter me from what I enjoy doing... but focus on the beauty of the land, my environment and all the wonderful international crowd I am meeting daily. Now. that's inspiring!